Hoopla: NC Live shifted their RB Digital collection to the Hoopla Platform. Call or come by the library today for more information! Once on the log-in page, choose Burke County Public Library and enter your entire library card number (no spaces) and password.

* * If you want to access NC LIVE from home, you will need your library card number and password. Some of the titles listed on this page do not allow files to be downloaded to a computer or ebook reader you must read them on the website. NC Live's eBook Page: One-stop shopping for eBooks through the NC Live home page. Immediate access for everyone, at any time, forever. Blair, and Ingalls that are available in perpetuity with unlimited, simultaneous access, which means no holds, no checkout limits, and no wait lists.

The collection includes titles from North Carolina publishers like Algonquin Books, CrossRoad Press, UNC Press, McFarland, Press 53, Gryphon House, John F. NC Live's Home Grown Ebooks: The NC LIVE HomeGrown Collection consists of more than 4,400 locally-published ebook titles. of Natural and Cultural Resources and supported by an IMLS federal LSTA grant. NC Kids Digital Library is sponsored by NCPLDA: NC Public Library Directors Association, NCGA: NC General Assembly, with assistance from State Library of NC a division of the Dept. You just need your library card number, password, and internet access to get started! These materials are instantly available for every child, at home and everywhere. Thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, videos and Read-Alongs are now available to younger readers via 85 regional, county and municipal libraries in North Carolina through OverDrive’s digital reading platform. NC Kids Overdrive eBook Collection: The North Carolina Public Library Directors Association (NCPLDA) together with OverDrive and the state of North Carolina has created a new digital resource sharing service for kids’ pre-K through 4th grade, NC Kids Digital Library. How-To-Videos and Step-by-Step instructions for each device. You just need your library card number, password, and internet access to get started! If you have a smart phone or tablet, download the Libby app for the best experience. The collection includes current popular titles for all ages and grows every week. Fiction and Non-Fiction books for your eBook Reader and your computer.Į-iNC Overdrive eBook Collection: Download ebooks and audiobooks to your computer, cell phone, iPod, or ebook reader (including Kindle) from Overdrive.